Membership / Member Resources
Your membership in the Minnesota Organization of Registered Nurses (MNORN) works for you through information, advocacy, leadership development, education, and mentorship at the State, National, and International level. When you become a member of MNORN, you are a member of ANA - and ANA is a member of the International Council of Nursing (ICN). When you join MNORN, you become a member of the global community of nurses!
Specific benefits include: |
Making your voice heard at the state and national level:
- Federal lobbying on issues important to nursing and health care
- Representing nursing in federal agencies
- Advocating at the state level
- Influencing ANA policy development
- Free Navigate Nursing webinars every month (option to pay for CEUs)
- Additional CE’s available through independent study modules at discounted prices
- ANCC - save $125 on ANCC initial certification and renewals
- American Nurse Today, a monthly journal (10 print/2 electronic)
- OJIN - The Online Journal of Nursing - peer reviewed, posted three times a year
- Access to CINAHL, Drug Name Error Finder Tool, Global Disease Alert Map, PubMed Citations
- Get Essential Documents: ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements, Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice; and Nursing’s Social Policy Statement
- Monthly e-Newsletters from MNORN