
If you would like to attend a conference and request financial support, follow these instructions and then you may fill out the application.
- Members must be in good standing with MNORN at the time of application, and through the dates of the conference for which support is requested, to be awarded financial support.
- Application should include questions about how attending the conference supports MNORN’s or ANA’s mission or priorities.
- Members applying for financial assistance must describe a plan for how the information learned at the conference will be disseminated after the event.
- MNORN will support a stipend of up to $500 which may be used to cover:
a. Registration fees
b. Travel
c. Lodging, and
d. Standard Per Diem - Members who have received financial support for a conference will be ineligible for further support of this type for two years following the conference, unless permission is received from the MNORN Board of Directors in advance of their application. Preference for awarding of support will be given to eligible members who have not previously received support.
- Requests should be made to the MNORN Board of Directors and must be received by the MNORN Executive Director a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the first day of the conference for which funds are requested.
- Applications will be screened by the Executive Director for completeness and members eligibility. The Executive Director will submit eligible applications to the MNORN Board of Directors for review and consideration.
- MNORN Board members who apply for this will recess themselves from the consideration process and voting.
- Member who have applied for funding will be notified by email or a phone call from the Executive Director within three days of the Board of Directors’ decision . Unless other arrangements are made and approved ahead of time, financial support will be in the form of lump-sum reimbursement, after all receipts for the expenses are received and reconciled by the Executive Director.
Adopted by the Board of Directors 10-1-2020